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#VitaKitchen Recipe: Beet Juice

The Vitamix can easily replace many kitchen appliances, one of which is the juicer. If you hate cleaning up all the small parts of a juicer, then the Vitamix is the best option for you. It's easier to clean, and doesn't take much time. There are just a few steps you'll need to follow, wash, cut, blend, and strain. Simple as that.

Here's a simple beet juice recipe to get you started with juicing using your Vitamix.

Beet Juice


  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 2-3 small sugar beets
  • 1-2 cucumber
  • 1-2 carrot
  • a thumb of ginger


Wash and cut your ingredients, place in the Vitamix and blend until smooth. Place into a cheese cloth or nutmilk bag and strain until all the juice is out. Serve and enjoy!

Simple as that! Check out the video below to see how it's done! 


Happy Blending!

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